Apr 102011

I had an interesting experience this morning.  After last listening to the Sundelles song “Can’t Win” one time last week, this morning I woke up to the song playing in my head. Talk about catchy.

While there are a lot of bands and acts out there who are trying to push music forward by pressing the envelope of experimentation (often until you have no grid whatsoever for what’s going on), a number of bands look backward for their inspiration. But even among these bands, I’m discovering a difference between “retro” and “resurgent.” A retro band tends to live in yesteryear (sometimes even dressing the part), recalling the fond memories of days gone by–completely looking backward.  But other bands are shooting for a resurgence; they look backward just enough to get inspiration, and try to bring that music forward into a modern-day context, to make it current and relevant again.

Photo: JM Houle.

Listening to the Sundelles, their 60’s California surf-pop vibe is unmistakable.  But it’s also apparent that these guys aren’t retro; they are resurgent.  They are playing this sound in such a way that it fits the modern day, and makes us fall in love with the sound all over again in a new way.

Bottom line, though: whether a song takes its inspiration from the past or pushes to the future, what makes it stand out is if it is catchy.  Ultimately, that’s why I like the song below, “Can’t Win.”  I don’t like it because of its roots in the past; I like it because it’s catchy.

“Can’t Win” is from the Sundelles’ debut full-length album Georgia Swan.  Give it a listen and see what you think.

Sundelles: “Can’t Win”

Buy the Sundelles on iTunes:
Georgia Swan - Sundelles

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